Kill Yo Self- Zoot Suit Edition Vol.1

Do you remember when the NAACP had that dumb ass mock funeral for the 'N' word? Well we at 3inthamorning would also like to have some mock funerals of our own for stuff we know ain't going anywhere anytime soon.

Ohhhhhhhh no!!!------------>

The Zoot Suit,

I know its not some people's fault because they just don't know any better. Let's be real though, we see these suits in church all the time and I'm tired. I'm tired of giving them a pass on it. Mr. Zoot Suit Dude, I do salute you for your bravery. For not being afraid to wear that eye searing purple rain suit to your daughter's graduation to embarrass the hell out of her. However, I can not stand by and let you hurt the people closest to you.

I interviewed a young lady who would like to remain anonymous, she spoke on the matter.

Marley McFly: I want to keep this interview as brief and painless as possible.. How long have you been a victim of Mr. ZSD?

Mr. Zoot Suit Dude's Victim: My entire life

Marley McFly: Wow that must really suck. It is to my understanding that Mr.ZSD would show up to formal functions in a patent leather green snake skin suit with the hat to match.

Mr. Zoot Suit Dude's Victim: Yes.. its true.. Somtimes he would even wear matching snake skin socks.. The socks were made from real snake skin.. Oh it was horrible. I won an award for school and was too scared to tell him about it cause I knew that would mean he would have to show up to the ceremony.

Marley McFly: Well that sounds horrifying!!! Thats unbelievable.. Wear did he find real snake skin socks? Never mind..please go on.

Mr. Zoot Suit Dude's Victim: The worst experience of all was when I was to be honored at a formal dinner and didn't tell him about it... He found out about it and wanted to surprise me by just popping up. He showed up late so everybody saw him walk in.

Marley McFly: Ohhhh no..

Mr. Zoot Suit Dude's Victim: Yes, he was wearing a custom chameleon suit that had 11 buttons, with a floor length coat with super baggy pants. My worst nightmare was realized in that moment. I knew in order to keep this from happening again, I would have to take matters into my own hands.

Marley McFly: What did you do?

Mr. Zoot Suit Dude's Victim: I burnt them.. all of them.. I went into the Zoot Suit Shrine and got in touch with my inner Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopez. I burnt them all so they could no longer be a danger to the community.. So no woman, man, or child will have to be subjected to the reprehensible taste of my father... Mr. ZSD

Marley McFly: That was quite brave of you. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. Hopefully your strength and courage can inspire the anti-zoot suit movement in even the most soulful corners of the planet. If you know someone who is suffering from ZSD syndrome, please call the intervention hotline. Its toll-free 1-800-Thinkabouttheonesyoulove or go to

If you DON'T get an immediate uneasy feeling about zoot suits, chances are you DON'T really know you're soulful.

The Purple Rain Suit is definitely a go to player in the pantheon of tacky suits

Red on the traffic light means ______ Red on an octagon shaped sign means_____ Next time you think about wearing a red suit you should______ or Kill Yo Self

How in the world do you expect me to hear the Sermon? Kill Yo Self

You are tap dance tacky kinfolk... Kill Yo Self

Tacky does not discriminate, as you can see tacky is not exclusive to members of Mt. Zion Lean On Me Go Tell It On The Mountain Full Gospel Baptist Church only.

Kill Yo Self!!!---------------------------------------->

Kill Yo Self!!-------->

Although we know it ain't goin nowhere.. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, please go away, we've already seen them too much.. R.I.P Zoot Suit


JerryVL said...

This sh_t is hilarious...lmao

CartaandFoes said...

yooooooooooooooooooooo...........good shit!

January'sFavorite said...

This looks like my Uncles' closets, they supa tacky, gotta luv it though!! the wp's are sff...

Love Me or Leave Me Alone said...

LMAO!!! That was my laugh for the day, I needed that! Thanks

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