“If your thinking about my baby it don’t matter if your black or white”….Well ladies and gentlemen in this case it does.

Im sorry….I can’t take it anymore! For the last week or so I’ve been watching these mass media television personalities foolishly try to pass off thesekids as MJ’s. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! If you are trying to make the argument that he his father because he helped raise them then you may have a valid point, but if you are insinuating that he is the ‘’biological’’ father for even one second you are completely out of your mind. Over the years many people have forgotten, due to Michael’s anglo-metamorphosis, that he is actually black (at the genetic level anyway). There is no way that he could father kids of this skin tone and hair texture. I’m not speculating here, this is proven science. Furthermore, have you seen this lady? She’s not exactly what I would call a sex symbol. I wouldn’t be surprised if he never touched her. With that being said I feel that the media should really fall back from propagating these ridiculous images of the kid’s paternity, because deep down inside we all know that MJ’s not “Her Baby Daddy.”

In the words of the Late Great “…..is not my lover she's just a girl who claims that I am the one, but the kid is not my son.”

Remember you heard it here first 3inthamorning.blogspot.com. I’ll be back. -AIR-STOTLE


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