Kill Yo Self- Zoot Suit Edition Vol.1

Do you remember when the NAACP had that dumb ass mock funeral for the 'N' word? Well we at 3AM would also like to have some mock funerals of our own for stuff we know ain't going anywhere anytime soon.

Ohhhhhhh No!!----------------->

The Zoot Suit,

I know its not some people's fault because they just don't know any better. Let's be real though, we see these suits in church all the time and I'm tired. I'm tired of giving them a pass on it. Mr. Zoot Suit Dude, I do salute you for your bravery. You are indeed brave, for not being afraid to wear that eye searing purple rain suit to your daughter's graduation to embarrass the hell out of her. However, I will not idly stand by and let you hurt the people closest to you.

Click on the jump for the rest of the story and a 3AM exclusive interview with a victim of the Zoot Suit!!!

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